Source code for expyrimenter.config

from os.path import join, expanduser, dirname
from configparser import ConfigParser
import logging

[docs]class Config: """ ``Config.user_ini`` is the location of the user ini file and its default value is ``~/.expyrimenter/config.ini``. If you change the user config location, it will take effect in every new object. """ user_ini = join(expanduser('~'), '.expyrimenter', 'config.ini') _default_ini = join(dirname(__file__), 'config.ini') _logger = logging.getLogger('config') def __init__(self, section): """ :param str section: Ini file section name """ parser = ConfigParser()[Config._default_ini, Config.user_ini]) if section in parser.sections(): self._section = parser[section] else: self._section = {}
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """ :param str key: The key whose value you are looking for :param any default: value to return if key is not found :return: *key* value :rtype: str """ return self._section.get(key, default)