Source code for expyrimenter.clouds.cloudstack.api

# By: Carlos Eduardo Moreira dos Santos, 2014.
# Based on: Kelcey Damage, 2012 & Kraig Amador, 2012
# Changes:
#   - ported to python3
#   - support for config.ini (url, key, secret)
#   - method calls work with no parameters
#   - pep8 compliance
#   - documentation

from expyrimenter import Config
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import base64
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import logging

class SignedAPICall():
    def __init__(self, api_url, api_key, api_secret):
        self.url = api_url
        self.key = api_key
        self.secret = api_secret
        self._logger = logging.getLogger('cloudstack.api')

    def request(self, args):
        args['apiKey'] = self.key

        self.params = []

    def _sort_request(self, args):
        keys = sorted(args.keys())

        for key in keys:
            self.params.append(key + '=' + self._quote(args[key]))

    def _quote(self, value):
        if value is True:
            quoted = 'true'
        elif value is False:
            quoted = 'false'
            quoted = quote_plus(value)

        return quoted

    def _create_signature(self):
        self.query = '&'.join(self.params)
        digest =,

        self.signature = base64.b64encode(digest)

    def _build_get_request(self):
        self.query += '&signature=' + quote_plus(self.signature)
        self.value = self.url + '?' + self.query

[docs]class API(SignedAPICall): def __init__(self): cfg = Config('cloudstack') super().__init__(cfg.get('url'), cfg.get('key'), cfg.get('secret')) def __getattr__(self, name): def handlerFunction(*args, **kwargs): if kwargs: return self._make_request(name, kwargs) if len(args) > 0: raise TypeError('API call parameters must be named:\n' ' ' "api.command(param1='value1', param2='value2'" ', ...)') return self._make_request(name, {}) return handlerFunction def _http_get(self, url): self._logger.debug(url) try: response = urlopen(url) except HTTPError: self._logger.error('Error getting "%s"' % url) raise return def _make_request(self, command, args): args['response'] = 'json' args['command'] = command self.request(args) data = self._http_get(self.value).decode() # The response is of the format {commandresponse: actual-data} key = command.lower() + "response" return json.loads(data)[key]